I first would like to wish a Happy Easter and Passover to all who celebrate. Spring is definitely in the air and there is a feeling of regeneration, rebirth, and new growth that is also reflected in nature. We are feeling a bit like we are emerging from a long winters nap, but our hibernation cave was one of transformation and we are not emerging the same, but forever changed.
This week “Archangel Michael” comes through first with the message of trusting heaven. This has been a message that I have seen over and over again in the last few weeks. Angels stand close! We are being guided, supported and loved through whatever it is we are working through. The Angels see it all and they want us to know that we are safe. They are asking us to surrender our worries and concerns to them, and then allow for heavens help.
It’s important to take some time to honor all that you’ve been through and the many lessons you have learned. To recognize how courageous you have been and acknowledge your strengths. This is not a time for self criticism, blame, or guilt. Instead acknowledge your beautiful heart and all the wisdom you carry within.
“Djwal Khul” wants to remind us that we are on a path and to take one step at a time towards happiness. Just like the beautiful flowers of spring, our paths are unfolding pedal by pedal. We all have our own timing. Trust in yours! The angels stand close. 😇
Have a beautiful week,
With so much love,
Nicole 💜
Deck: Keepers of the Light By: Kyle Gray
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