This week we received the “Lady”. This is that creator Empress energy. You are being encouraged to trust that you have planted beautiful seeds even if you have not yet witnessed their fruit. Trust that you have everything you need to be successful and it is in fact on its way. It’s important to remember that there is more than enough for everyone so there is no competition. Do not compare yourself to others for you are the only one with your unique gifts and voice. You have so much to offer and your gifts must be shared. (Also please do not over analyze or underestimate yourself, your presence alone is more a gift than you know).
We also received the “Peacekeeper”, which is kind of appropriate for this time of year as the holidays can often be filled with challenges and conflict. (Not to mention the temperature or divide in the world right now). The angels are encouraging you to embrace the energy of peace. It’s not about being right or proving a point, but rather trusting your own wisdom and knowing. Choosing to move forward from this higher perspective connects you on a deeper level to your divine guidance, intuition and higher self.
While there have been times in your life where you might have felt the need to fight and stand up for yourself, felt fearful, or threatened, that time is not now. You have gained wisdom and confidence through your times of adversity. Now allow the energy of your inner peacekeeper to rise up. You have the ability to calm those around you with your presence and also the capacity to make decisions (even quick decisions) that not only benefit you, but those around you as well. Trust this.
Let’s consciously choose peace and love this week. Let’s focus on what we are growing and creating with an understanding that we, and the world, will be better for it. 🍎🌳❤️
Have a great week!
With so much love,
Deck: Angels and Ancestors By: Kyle Gray