This week two things are clear. One, there is magic in the air and an expansion of health, success, and abundance pouring out to us. And two, our participation is required. 

First we received “Wizard of the Woods“ asking us to focus. Like I said, there is magic in the air; real change is possible, but we need to focus our thoughts in the direction of our dreams. It’s important to direct our intentions on what we’d like to create and experience. Do not give any energy to the things that aren’t working.  Keep your focus and attention on what’s worthwhile, loving, and good in your life. 

The “Spirit Guardian of Summer“ also asks us to take positive steps in the direction of our dreams. We are in a space of transformation and expansion. This is not a time to take care of everyone else. It’s a time to move forward with passion and excitement. Do not hold back, give it everything you’ve got! You will be glad you did as the miracles unfold in your life. 

Here we are in the middle of winter, receiving this beautiful burst of sunlight from the energy of summer. Step into this light, allowing yourself to be warmed,  filled, and re-energized by its power. 

Have a beautiful week!

With love always


Deck: The Sacred Forest Oracle By: Denise Linn