This week we are being encouraged to claim our “Power.” To the times of the past where we may have given away our power or made ourselves small, I say no more. It’s time to step into our full potential. Stand tall with integrity, authenticity, and pride. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be experiencing some fear or uncertainty in doing so, but do it anyway. Be who you are, share your passions, stand up for what you believe in. Be courageous. 

Sometimes I think that the word “power” is a misunderstood concept. Probably because it has been so often abused. Our perception becomes someone who wants “power over another,” or being hurt by other’s perception of you as “powerful.” It’s important to know that being powerful is simply being your most authentic, heart-centered, aligned self, filled with integrity, good intention, and love. It is in this state that you can move mountains!

“Fulfillment” is asking us to be present. Find joy in the moment. Focus on what is good in your life. Love deeply, cherish your friends, and fill your life with people and experiences that light you up. You no longer need to put the needs of others ahead of your own needs. Your needs matter! Let go of people or things that do not empower you or drain your energy. 

This feels a little bit like a Dorothy situation from the Wizard of Oz. Click your heels, you had the power the whole time! Trust that the fulfillment of reclaiming your power and standing in your truth will not only fill you up, but it will light up all of those around you. You are simply unleashing what is already there.

There are a few side messages to note this week. If you’ve had any health issues, know that seeing this message is a sign that a return to better health is on its way. For those of you who may want to conceive a baby, are starting a new relationship, or a new project, this is an excellent sign for a great outcome! 💫

With so much,


Deck: Sacred Destiny Oracle  By: Denise Linn