It’s always interesting to see the story that unfolds between the cards. This week we received “El Morya” and “Kurhumi”. With these two messengers in particular, there are a couple similarities that stand out. One speaks of wearing a cloak of protection and the other, a cloak of wisdom. They also both speak about cultivating a higher connection to the Universe and self. And finally there is also a dual message encouraging us to allow our light to shine through.
For me a “cloak” feels a bit like a shield that envelopes our whole being. So know that you are being surrounded at this time by both protection and wisdom. It is safe to trust in the guidance and strength that the cloak of wisdom and protection offers, allowing yourself to move forward with confidence and clarity.
Again, this week is about strengthening our Divine connection. Move beyond limits that have been set by others and detach from dramas, people or emotions that no longer serve you. Remember that you are in a bubble of protection so you do you boo, and let your light shine through!
The fog is lifting, and you are uncovering the truth of your own soul. Make sure to listen. Know that facing your fears and seeing truth will strengthen your connection to self as well as your connection to the Universe. Your soul is leading the way and you must know that it is safe to follow. Shine bright little diamond 💎
Have a beautiful week!
I see you 💜
Deck: Keepers of the Light By: Kyle Gray