This week we are being surrounded by the energy of love and it is quite palpable! 💗 Love is the force that drives us. It’s who we are. It can also be the source of our pain or heartbreak, and is definitely our teacher. The “Heart Guardian” is encouraging us to love and let ourselves be loved. To drop the shields around our heart and let love in. ( This keeps coming up 🤔 )
The “Great Teacher” in this card is depicted as Jesus and what finer example of forgiveness than he. We are being guided to allow forgiveness, compassion and love into our hearts. Love and healing is surrounding all of our relationships at this time. Whether that be the relationship we have with ourselves, family, friendships, or our romantic partner. 🕊
Angels are swirling around you encouraging you to open your heart. Call on them for protection and guidance. They will help us move beyond our limiting fears surrounding trust and also help us to discern who it’s safe to trust. This way we can move forward with healthy balanced relationships. You are love and you deserve to be loved. If you are a person who shares their love freely it might be time to allow yourself to receive that love in return.
It’s also important to realize that your light and love is a brilliant force in this world and needs to be shared. Your experiences have helped shape who you are. You are an example of strength, love and resilience. You have dedicated a lot of time to getting to know yourself better and the world around you. The lessons you have learned can help others. Allow this part of you to rise up and be seen.
Wishing you a week filled with compassion, forgiveness, peace, and so much LOVE! 💗💗💗
Always Nicole
Deck: Angels and Ancestors By: Kyle Gray
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