Well hello June and welcome summer!☀️This week we are being guided to take risks and let go of any fears or inhibitions that have previously held us back. 

“Taking Risks” is encouraging you to do things in a new way. Break free from your ‘normal’ and allow yourself to move beyond your comfort zone. Perhaps you have been on that cliff top admiring the view for a while, but are afraid to take that first leap off. It’s time for you to fly my friend. It’s okay to feel the fear but leap anyway. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know where you’re going either, it’s the experience of freedom and perspective that will guide you. Listen to the voice of your soul rather than the opinions of others and surrender to the unknown with trust and courage.

It’s time to “Release” the old limiting beliefs. Let go of situations, people, and objects that do not serve you. This is a good week to clear clutter as we are making space for the new! Remember that if you are looking for something different you must be willing to do something different.  

Trust your wings! Take them out for a little spin. It’s okay to feel nervous or unsure, but again, do it anyway. Take a chance, be weird, dance like no one is watching. Remember that although our comfort zones are quite cozy and familiar, there is so much more to live and experience outside that box. 

Have a beautiful week! 

I see you 💗


Deck: The Sacred Destiny  By: Denise Linn