This week we received “Let it go” and “Tender Embrace” coming in as a soft but knock your socks off energy all at the same time. This is a week for forgiveness, healing resentments, and letting go of the story that ties us to this pain. Sometimes we have to forgive people that will never be sorry, or people that are no longer here on earth, so even if they were sorry, we might not get that validation. Sometimes we have to forgive ourselves.
There are times we push this pain down, trying to move on and not acknowledge this elephant in the room. And other times we wear it as our skin, it’s overwhelming, and shapes how we see ourselves. It becomes part of a false identity. Now is the time for forgiveness! It is a time for truth and compassion. It is time to change the story! We do this for us, not for them, or to condone any wrongdoing. We do this for our own peace and freedom.
Forgiveness is a process, perhaps an unfolding. There may be things coming up this week that you have felt like you have dealt with and are frustrated as to why it is showing up again now. This is not because you haven’t been doing the work, it is to offer you absolute and final freedom from this situation. Is there a way where you can find gratitude for the lessons learned?
We are being guided to look at ourselves and others through the eyes of compassion and kindness. It’s time to let go of the ideals of perfection and allow ourselves and others the grace to be human. It’s not our job to tell others how to live their lives but we can control how we live ours. We can control the stories we tell ourselves, the boundaries we set, and the love we give to the world, but most importantly to ourselves.
Wishing you a beautiful, gentle yet powerful release and a week filled with so much love 💜
Nicole ✨
Deck: Oracle of the 7 Energies By: Colette Baron-Reid
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