I have really been feeling the presence of Archangel Raguel lately and his desire to help us in our lives. Raguel is know as a justice angel. He brings a sense of peace, calm, and harmony. (Prayers for world peace, send them to Raguel! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼) He is all about restoring fairness and balance. Raguel helps to bring harmony within relationships, resolution to legal issues, and can also help to bring the right people and opportunities into our lives. 

This week we received the “Three of Earth“ encouraging us to keep going! Do what you love! Raguel is here to help you get the recognition you deserve, whether that be about being financially compensated for what you do or about being recognized for your work with an excellent reputation. If you have been doubting whether you are on the right path, or second-guessing yourself in any way, this comes as confirmation and encouragement to keep going! There are opportunities and good people to collaborate with flowing to you at this time. 

The “Queen of Water” is encouraging you to follow your heart! Sometimes we might put our own needs and desires on the back burner as there are always so many distractions and others that need our attention. This is a gentle reminder to make some space this week for a little love and self-care. Make space for you!

There are some beautiful opportunities and resolve right around the corner. Trust your intuition, follow your heart and create something beautiful! 

With so much love, 


Nicole ✨

Deck: Angel Wisdom Tarot  By: Radleigh Valentine