With mercury in retrograde and eclipse season at hand the energy feels a little intense. Although the lunar eclipse is actually happening tonight and into tomorrow morning, (5/15-5/16), we will feel the effects for days. Although retrogrades and eclipses can feel intense they always offer opportunities to heal and grow so pay attention to the themes that may be coming up for you. What is the universe mirroring back to you?

As with any mercury retrograde communication can be challenging. This week we received the “Page of Air”. The page comes to us with brilliant insights and can offer great transformation. The trick is can you receive the message even if the messenger and their delivery leaves a little something to be desired. 

The “King of Fire” asks us to step into the spotlight, keep your eyes on the big picture and communicate your vision. Try not to be to sensitive to the truth being revealed. 

This goes both ways, we may be receiving important information this week that may be a little hard to hear, but we also may be the messenger.  Authentic communication without filters is super important, but make sure you’re speaking your truth from the heart and with kindness so that your message can be heard easier. Whether people decide to listen is outside of our control. So much medicine this week if we choose to listen.

So much love

Always Nicole

Deck: Angel Wisdom By: Radleigh Valentine

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