Hello friends! This week felt like the longest month ever! 😆 Lots of energy swirling around at this time. We have tomorrow’s 11/11 portal which is a very powerful time for manifestation. Keep your thoughts positive and focused on what you’d like to experience as opposed to your fears. (We are not looking to manifest those!) We also have a full moon in Taurus on Friday the 15th. A great time to let go and clear away anything that feels heavy, no longer serves you, or doesn’t belong to you. Take a hint from nature and let that stuff go!
This week the angels bring us “Spring” as a reminder to trust the seeds that you have planted. These seeds, which consist of your prayers, dreams, and intentions, have been received. Trust that even though you may not see it at this time, the Universe is working hard behind the scene to bring you what you desire. I love the timing of this reminder as we experience this 11/11 manifesting portal.
The angels also want you to know that you (and your seeds) are safe! The “Knight“ is here standing strong. This knight is a loyal and fierce protector of the realm. Although he has all the ability to fight, he stands here in his whole heart, in peace. A powerful force of love, honor and integrity. It’s important to know you can stand strong in your power and ALSO in your heart. This is not a weakness, but your greatest strength.
Have a beautiful week
I see you
Nicole 💜
Deck: Angels and Ancestors By: Kyle Gray