This week Archangel Raphael (“the Medicine Guardian”) is coming through loud and clear. 💚Raphael is the archangel most known for physical healing, however he can help assist healing on all levels. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or matters of the heart, Raphael is your guy! He is wanting to be more a part of our lives and is encouraging us to call on him more often. He is also asking us to pay attention and to be open to healing information that may be rising within you or being shared with you.  This truth is the medicine and can have a dramatic healing effect on your life. 

“The Magik Guardian” asks us to unlock the magic within. This “magic“ is your manifesting power to create what you most desire. Whether that’s good health, love, a particular goal you wish to attain, or just a general feeling of peace and happiness, you have everything you need to get there within you already. Your will alone is a gift! You are being guided to recognize this power within yourself and own it! 

It’s time to stop looking outside ourselves and realize that we have an incredible power that resides within each of us. It’s time to call on this power. We are being offered an opportunity to heal on so many levels and being guided to move back to a state of wholeness.  A refilling of our cup to overflow! 

Ask the angels of healing for help and trust the information that’s coming through. Take a moment to recognize your own power and gifts. And when you’re ready, please share them! Isn’t that what gifts are for? 💝

Have a magical healing week

With love always,


Deck: Angels and Ancestors  By: Kyle Gray