Oh, the synchronicity! If you received my October newsletter yesterday you would see that the beginning of October brings some healing opportunities. Perhaps being triggered by the outside world has offered us some insight on the stories we carry. It’s a time of healing unresolved wounds, focusing on self-worth and releasing shame. The archangel that was coming through and wanting to work with us this month was Archangel Jophiel and here she is again, first with the “Star,” asking us to have faith that the future is bright. 🌟 

Jophiel is here to help us shift our perceptions and see ourselves through the eyes of love. She can help lift any negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, and help us with issues of worthiness. Her message is very clear, whatever is going on for you this week, know that positive changes are on the way! If you have been going through a difficult time, the light at the end of the tunnel is here! 

Our next card, “Four of Fire,” also from Jophiel, speaks about gratitude. There is so much to celebrate! She is asking us to focus on the good things in our lives and to send gratitude for all the peace and prosperity that is on its way. You are worthy of it all and the time to embrace this is now. We can not let humility or feelings of imposter syndrome hold us back any longer! The world needs you just as you are! 

There is so much support pouring out to you and surrounding you at this time. Allow yourself to receive it fully with joy and gratitude. 

With so much love always, 


Deck: Angel Wisdom Tarot By: Radleigh Valentine