This week “Two of Air“ (swords) is here suggesting that possibly some of us have been in a bit of a stalemate. Have you been in your head? Unable or unwilling to make a decision and perhaps overanalyzing a bit? (✋🏼Hi, it’s me 😂) Archangel Haniel is here encouraging us to trust our intuition and to follow our own hearts. Stop trying to please others. Choose for you! Let go of the idea that you are responsible for making others happy. Know that you are being guided towards your highest happiness, but it’s up to you to choose to follow.
“The Dreamer” is here to encourage you in the most powerful way, to push your fears aside and take a leap of faith! Trust yourself and the guides around you. You are about to start a new journey that feels amazing and so filled with hope, magic, and possibility. You are so supported on this journey. I don’t care how old you are; there is a message that there is not only plenty of time, but also that THIS is the time.
There is an energy in the air that feels expansive and accelerated. Let’s use this to our advantage. Discomfort is caused by resistance. Be open and willing to take that leap of faith. Remember that when you are fully lit up, you light up the world around you!
Have a beautiful week!
I see you
Always Nicole 💜
Deck: Angel Wisdom Tarot By: Radleigh Valentine