This week we received a magical and powerful duo with Archangel Raziel leading the way. Perhaps there has been something that you have been feeling rising within you for some time. It feels a bit like we have been sailing through fog, unable to see exactly where we are heading, but knowing that wherever it is, it feels special. There has been a shift within your soul and an inner wisdom that has been leading the way.
Raziel shows up when we are in a space of up-leveling and growth. He helps us to hone, learn, and remember our “Spiritual Gifts.” He is fanning the flame within your belly, igniting this light within you. He holds all the secrets of the Universe and wants to help unlock some of this wisdom.
“Kuthumi” is also here, asking us to trust and lean into these gifts as you are wrapped within a cloak of wisdom. We are all on a wandering path, learning and growing, seeking answers through study or from the insights of others. While this is always important, now is the time to listen to your own inner knowing. You are now in a space where you are uncovering a deeper truth: the truth of your soul.
Knowledge is learned. Wisdom is remembered. Trust the wisdom within. The fog is clearing and your soul is leading the way. The answers you seek are within you; trust what you know. Allow yourself to rise up for a higher perspective and fuller picture. See yourself in a new way! Embrace your power, knowing that you will use it with love and grace. Lighting up your corner of the world, and perhaps, all those around you.
Have a great week!
I see you
Nicole 💗
Deck: Keepers of the Light & Angel Prayers Oracle By: Kyle Gray