This week we are being guided to trust our intuition! The “Moon” is offering us clarity and epiphany so pay attention to what’s going on around you and what’s being revealed to you. These insights are a gift and will help you to move forward. 

The “Ace of Water” speaks about an awakening of psychic abilities and spiritual insights also! So again, trust your intuition. The Universe is pouring out to you so pay attention for signs and synchronicities. 

Some of what is rising up at this time may have you feeling a bit emotional. It’s okay! Allow this emotion to flow through you knowing your feet are firmly planted on the ground. Know that you are protected and there is nothing coming that you can’t handle. This is about seeing the truth that surrounds you as well as the truth of your own heart so that the path ahead becomes clearer. 

Archangel Haniel, the angel of intuition is encouraging us to let go of any fears we are carrying that might be holding us back. This beautiful angel also wants to remind us that we are at the end of one cycle and beginning another. In this there is so much opportunity for a new way of being and new happiness. 

Have a magical and insightful week

With love always,


Deck: Angel Wisdom Tarot  By: Radleigh Valentine