Happiest Mother’s Day to all the Mothers, Grandmothers, Stepmothers and “like-a-mother’s” out there. Today we honor the nurturer, which can look a million different ways, so however that shows up in your life, we celebrate this precious gift. 🌸 

This week we are being encouraged (with both cards) to trust the wise one within! Our first message comes from the “Sage“ who would like to acknowledge the devotion and commitment you have made to your growth. Your effort has been recognized, and you are being guided and supported throughout this journey. 

As the sage, it is important to become the observer. With this deep witnessing of what is happening within and around us, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. This awareness is pertinent in bringing the clarity we desire and helping us in making decisions later. We are also being encouraged to journal or take notes. There are important insights at hand!

The “White Witch” also comes with the reminder to listen and trust your inner knowing. Although it’s important to respect, listen and learn from others, trusting your own wisdom is equally important. Trust YOUR gifts!!!! Additionally, and perhaps this is part of the observation witnessing, but do not allow yourself to get sucked into any unnecessary drama this week.

We are also being guided to be on the lookout for a new teacher or mentor that may show up in our lives. Remembering to have an open mind and learn what you need to, while always checking in with what is right for you. Just leave the rest. It’s important to recognize that there is also a teacher rising within you and you will be sharing your knowledge to help others as well! 

Have a beautiful week

With love always,


Deck: Angels and Ancestors By: Kyle Gray